211 words I gotta say, the way that companies are now embracing Early Access is getting frustrating - both in the way EA games are being approached, and how the community is embracing them 215 words As some of you know, Net Neutrality is in great danger. A few days ago I saw a video by Total Biscuit the Cynical Brit about this issue and it inspired me to make this video for me and my friends to elaborate on the REAL reason why big corporation ISP are actively fighting Net Neutrality. Thanks! 306 words Stealth games better with a controller? 210 words Battlefield 1 adds Russian female soldiers in the upcoming In the Name of the Tsar expansion; first ever for the franchise. 265 words Destiny 2 will be released on the Battle.net launcher, not Steam. 224 words 4690k owners - your thoughts after 3 years 259 words Best single player games? 1,440 words Best single player games? 267 words Hitman is saved, claim German games site - Io retain rights, season two is still coming 194 words The FCC is about to ruin PC gaming for everyone. We need to act now. 192 words Creator of Nier fix temporarily banned by Steam Moderator 228 words Windows Game Mode - What it is and who it's for 291 words Would it be worth it to take up game designing as a hobby? 177 words How Japan learned to love PC gaming again 509 words Terraria: Otherworld update reveals a new development partner 251 words Mad Catz files for bankruptcy 190 words Rocket League - The Fate of the Furious Trailer 334 words Quake Champions Gets New Character Trailer Highlighting Anarki 548 words Star Citizen confirmed to solely use the Vulkan API [Crosspost from /r/starcitizen] 506 words Do you game with headphones or speakers?