Battlefield 1 adds Russian female soldiers in the upcoming In the Name of the Tsar expansion; first ever for the franchise.

How does that contradict what I said? I've already pointed out that movies can range from pablum like American Sniper to somewhat honest portrayals like Saving Private Ryan. Nowhere, not once have I claimed that movies are immune to the kind of wish fulfilling power fantasies that videogames are founded on.

You are contesting the fact that Movies are as disrespectful as Video Games. While saying movies can be disrespectful too? While that's what I'm saying? Are you incapable of rational thought?

No one will ever make an honest war game

Again with the claims. You have NOT played any of those games.

A shitload. How many games have you played that forced you to sit in a foxhole for hours with shells going off all around you? How many games have you played that portrayed the agony of marching miles with trench foot, or slowly dying of sepsis from a gutshot?

YES. The ones that I have fucking mentioned. You are so ignorant it's funny. And you have NOT played a "shitload" if you haven't played any of the ones I have fucking mentioned. You have absolutely no idea of the FPS genre if the only games you played are FUCKING call of duty and battlefield.

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