Quake Champions Gets New Character Trailer Highlighting Anarki

Funny how all the excitement and interest in Quake Champions is coming from actual Quake players and people on quake forums or chat channels, and all the whining and bitching about Quake being ruined is coming from random people I've never heard of on reddit and youtube comments.

The majority of people who actually play quake are excited for this game, because they can see how the gameplay retains Quakes depth in map control, mind games, aim, movement and strategy, and how it introduces even more things for a player to think about such as tracking your opponents cooldowns, managing the extra resources on the map, and considering how to fight a certain player as a certain character and come out on top.

People think that because you can use an ability to get somewhere on the map that they would have to use skill to get to previously makes the game less skillful? How about when your ability is on cooldown? You still have to get to that place and players using their abilities as a crutch for their bad movement will be much worse off than players who dont need to, and can use their abilities for more aggressive purposes.

It sounds like a gimmick when Tim Willits says abilities are additive, but I genuinely believe they are. Quake is a mentally stressful game because of how much there is to think about and how quickly you have to do it while performing so skillfully at the same time. Everything a quake player had to think about and keep track of in their head is still present in QC based on what they have shown, except now there are a bunch more things you have to think about on top of that

As someone who plays quake every day, I'm very much on board with QC and really interested to try a new style of duel in Quake. Lots of new shit to learn in a style of game I already enjoy

/r/pcgaming Thread Link - dualshockers.com