220 words AMD Ryzen 7 3700X Gaming Performance Across 10 Titles: Average FPS, 90% Lows and CPU/GPU Power Draw 139 words Overwatch, is anyone else experiencing brief freezing? 126 words John Carmack says he's not 'satisfied with the pace of progress' in VR development 172 words Rumour: Diablo 4 will also have Paladin & Amazon at launch, beta in 2020, Diablo 2 Remaster cancelled 130 words Red Dead pre-load is now available on Rockstar Launcher! It's 109GB 132 words EA games are returning to Steam along with the EA Access subscription service 380 words The Outer Worlds censors a long list of names during character creation. 255 words Despite their split from Activision, Bungie has locked even more cosmetics behind Destiny 2's Eververse (cash shop). 111 words Are Blizzard currently trying to do some damage control on Reddit??? 176 words Borderlands 3 has sold in 5 million copies after its first 5 days of launch making Borderlands 3 the fastest-selling title in 2K history and highest-selling title for the label on PC. 108 words "as long as it doesn't affect gameplay I'm ok with micro transactions" while paying $60 for a game 205 words Valve has added new stipulation to Distribution agreement, could effect exclusives going to other stores. 151 words 505 Games Excludes Men From Control's First Streams For The Sake Of “Gender Equality” 146 words Wolfenstein developers are “incredibly disappointed” that fighting Nazis is now “problematic” 138 words Epic’s Statement on Misinformation & Abuse 211 words Stuff like this that makes PC gaming such a satisfying and exclusive hobby (DCS F-16C Viper Reveal Trailer) 129 words Vulkan - Why isn't not more commonly used? 140 words Windows 10 vs. Pop_OS 19.04 - Linux gaming performance doesn't suck anymore 135 words PC passes PS4 to become Ubisoft's top revenue generator 186 words Tech Support and Basic Questions Thread - July 12, 2019