254 words Trump's second attempt at a Muslim ban has been frozen by a Federal judge; what are the implications of his ruling? 516 words Is it time to put term limits on Congress? 184 words Should Democrats focus more on targeting working class white voters or college educated suburban white voters? 279 words According to a recent Pew Poll, Republicans see "news organizations being able to criticize political leaders" as a lot less essential to a democracy than Democrats. Why is this? 622 words Jon Huntsman has been chosen to be Trump's ambassador to Russia. What does this mean for the current situation between the Trump Administration and Russia? 306 words South Korea just impeached their president. What does that mean for the country going forward? 197 words Why are rural areas Republican and urban areas Democrat? 205 words Why are rural areas Republican and urban areas Democrat? 180 words Do Immigrants Create Higher Crime Rates? 672 words If minor parties were more viable locally, would national minor parties gain more popularity as well? 197 words Will we see more "alt-right" Congressional candidates running in 2018? What districts would they be most competitive in? What are their chances of forming a significant bloc in Congress? 397 words Donald Trump suggested defunding public universities that don't support the First Amendment, in light of the riot/protest at UC Berkeley yesterday. Is this possible, and how likely would it be that Congress picked up this issue with 2018 on the horizon? 227 words Trump fires only Justice Dept. Official authorized to sign FISA warrants 273 words Will "cultural nationalists" ever gain any sort of mainstream tolerance or acceptance? 182 words Press Secretary Sean Spicer claims that the Trump administration is "going to hold the press accountable as well." Does this constitute as a legitimate threat to the press? 218 words Does NATO still benefit US strategic interests? 384 words Intel presented, stating that Russia has "compromising information" on Trump. 237 words Rank your 2020 potential Democratic Presidential candidates 221 words What practical steps would have to be made in order to end the War on Drugs and mass incarceration in the United States? 184 words Rank your 2020 potential Democratic Presidential candidates