Rank your 2020 potential Democratic Presidential candidates

this isn't about raising corporate taxes. it's about making sure corporations pay their taxes. Apple in a given year has paid ZERO in federal income tax. ZERO. GE, over a period, I think from 2010 to 2014, made billions in profit, but ended up not only paying nothing in federal income taxes, but ended up with a multi-million dollar REFUND from the government, i.e.: you. So don't feed me any corporate apologist rhetoric. I saw the same shit on Fox News you see today for years. But corporations aren't the victims here. That would be the middle class.

Here's how the Wall Street speculation tax came about. In 2008, Wall Street folded, and the middle class bailed them out, to the tune of over a trillion dollars. And now you're suggesting that Wall Street shouldn't do their part for the middle class? Do you know that many of the bank CEO's who were in charge during the crash in 2008 are not only still in charge, but now making more money than they did then. In Iceland, their bankers were fired and prosecuted. In the US, they were practically rewarded. And you're damn right a bill like this would never make it through congress. Not while Wall Street and corporations have their hands so far up the politicians' asses that they can make their lips move. Which is why it is incumbent upon you to vote in favor of YOU.

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