240 words Popular YouTube prankster MagicofRahat returns after hate/controversy of stealing fundraiser money that was donated towards a homeless man, the homeless lottery winner supposedly LIED about being scammed?! 225 words Self-proclaimed racist barges into YouTube vlogger and calls him racial slurs 182 words The Kenosha Shooting Suspect Was In The Front Row Of A Trump Rally In January | Kyle Rittenhouse’s social media is filled with references to “Blue Lives Matter.” 246 words Mum asked to pay £430 a month for shut nursery, when she refuses her son is taken off the register 168 words 6 year old was abducted outside her babysitters house. Her sister runs to tell the babysitter who doesn’t believe her and locks her outside. The little girl was subsequently murdered & the killer was never caught. 247 words Louisville Police Stop a Black Teen for minor traffic infraction, then pull him out of the car, put him in handcuffs and search his car. His Mom who works for the court shows up. 344 words Coward cop shoots 9 year old girl in face after firing unnecessary shots at family dog 127 words 2 minor girls were burnt with tongs and forced to eat human excreta for the "crime" of speaking with boys (happened in U.P., India, notorious for horrible crimes against women) 125 words Elephants Charge At Hunters After They Shoot and Kill A Member Of Their Herd 500 words This vet lied to this family about putting their dog down, and ended up taking the dog home and keeping it. 128 words Men sentenced to probation for gang rape of a 13 year old girl 117 words The 8 year old girl who was brutally raped for days before being killed became the top searched on porn sites in India. 199 words Ryan Reynolds harassed in coffee shop 234 words I use a wheelchair. I have a car with a wheelchair ramp. This lines are there for a reason. Thanks to this driver, I'm missing work because I can't get into my car. 307 words Berkeley will remove 20,000 free educational videos to comply with DOJ ruling after deaf activists filed a complaint against the university for failing to provide closed captions. Now these videos will only be accessible to enrolled Berkeley students instead of the general public. 178 words Berkeley will remove 20,000 free educational videos to comply with DOJ ruling after deaf activists filed a complaint against the university for failing to provide closed captions. Now these videos will only be accessible to enrolled Berkeley students instead of the general public. 323 words Off-duty sheriff deputy forces 13yo MexAm boy onto his property, shoots at him (x-post /r/videos) 196 words When Craiglist sellers pull this shit 307 words Bank won't reimburse woman whose belongings were wrongfully repossessed 272 words Homeless woman attacked Mob