155 words [USA] Lady blocks a firetruck, bystander has to drive the vehicle to the side for her. (Video is loud, headphone warning) 1,342 words [US] Impatient Motorist Rages at Cyclist Controlling the Lane 174 words [UK] Old fighter jet at an airshow fails loop and crashes into the carriageway 189 words [UK] Old fighter jet at an airshow fails loop and crashes into the carriageway 256 words [USA] Driver Ignores School Bus Stop Sign and Lights 200 words [Canada] Cammer gets backed into twice in one week and both vehicles flee the scene 196 words [GERMANY][OC] This is how we drive on the Autobahn 333 words [USA] Wanted to thank you guys. 288 words [Canada] Road rage ends with epic roof stomp 212 words [UK] Cyclist swears at motorist, then karma gets him 193 words [USA] Truck vs bicycle 214 words [USA] Two students hit by drivers who fail to yield 244 words [USA][OC] Multiple drivers fail to understand "Share The Road" 242 words Car runs stop sign and hits motorcyclist 223 words [UK] Cammer flips his Toyota Yaris as he tries to avoid oncoming overtaker 329 words [USA] Moron merges without much space to do so, bigger moron hits horn instead of brakes and causes an avoidable accident to prove some kind of point. 307 words Guy who was filming his deliberate attempts to run people off the road gets jail time 1,970 words [SK] Guy in a Mercedes convertible blocking ambulance in emergency 324 words [USA] [OC] Impatient left turner gets t-boned. 477 words [USA] Motorcycle Crashes into Truck On Highway