How can the Left defend its self in the wake of the assaults in Germany?

First of all i find it impressive how many people there are who are fully fledged ignorant towards the searchfunction of reddit. This is not a shitchat, this is a discussionboard.
You are expecting people who gave perfect answers to answer to you personally again because you was to lazy to put some searchterms into the searchbrackets. And if the comrades don't correct your arguments, then there is a thread in /r/socialism which "denounces the attacks of refugees" in cologne. I would like to see that recurring double-tripple-quadrupple posts are either deleted or marked as reposts.
It does not matter. As a resident i can assure you that the scenery which was happening in the new-years-eve-night was nothing other than all the years before. Imho the keywords here are alienation and mediahysteria. Some people for the first time heard and saw on the media how silvester is celebrated in central cologne. They are outraged because people "shot the church" or "shot with rockets into people". This happens every year. Period. I lost in the last 10 years 2 good jackets to the stuff there. I never saw an outrage about that, it was just normal, that when you go into the "Altstadt", which is directly connected to the centralstation and the church where all this supposed to happen, it will be wild and people might feel insecure. There is every year such a smoke from all the people shooting that you cannot see your hand before your eyes and you only can breath very hard. The Altstadt is directly at the rhine and there is a big bridge where people gather to watch the fireworks. It's standard that people from the bridge are firing rockets down at the people at the shore. It was that way as long as i can think of. This year from my standpoint it was way calmer than the years before. Regarding the "massive assault on women" there is up to today not one videosource for it besides the fact that the whole area is under cctv, and there clearly were police at the place. People who were accused of being part of the attackers this night are freed from custody because there is not enough evidence.
If sexual assaults happened there, they should be handled as cases of criminality and the media should only present the outcome of an investigation if they actually have evidence. This whole thing went out of control, even for low german media standards and is more of a witchhunt, than anything else. With all this exposure this is kind of a "Reichstagsbrand", which gives the reactionarys the last push into open aggression on their enemy "the Antifa", which from their interpretation is paid by foreign interests to change the citizens of europe for citizens from other nations to destroy europe.

/r/socialism Thread