I can't think of any more Sanders puns, I guess I am #BernnedOut: Bernie Sanders meta thread

A recent strategy I have been using on Bernie supporters is telling them we need to organize and do something about this system beyond just voting. If you demonstrate to them how corrupt the Democrat party is and how unlikely it is Bernie can bet Hillary they open up to other possibilities a bit.

A message to my fellow Bernie supporters out there: I am glad you can see that the system isn't working. I am glad you are excited about policies that can possibly change the lives of millions. I am glad that you can see the corruption of Hillary as a person and candidate. What I am not glad about is the illusion of Bernie being able to change anything himself. We need a legitimate revolution lead by the working class that will end this system once and for all. In order to do this we need you to get off your couch and build a mass workers party/movement. I am not going to bash you or tell you have much of a capitalist Bernie is. What I want to do is challenge you to educate yourself on how the capitalist system works. Once you get an idea of the monster we are up against I hope you see the need to promote a legitimate change in systems.

Believing that socialism and capitalism just needs to be mixed is just playing into their BS game. The difference between the ruling class and the everyday worker is so great that if the public actually knew how big of a difference in lifestyles and material wealth existed you would revolt already. Socialists are not fighting to make capitalism better. We want to end it. The power of the wealthy is so great that our own hopes of any improvement are left in asking for concessions. Eventually people are going to get tired of this game. When they finally get tired of this game let's be prepared.

/r/socialism Thread