500 words Does anyone else have the fear that they might be socially behind forever? 203 words is it wrong for my family to tell me to change myself? 128 words I'm tired of being the quiet person that seems to have no personality. 220 words Are extroverts predetermined to outshine ntroverts? 148 words I have a habit to have an opinion on almost everything, which makes me unwanted in most groups. How to tackle my own urge to sound knowledgeable and not come across as a know-it-all, which I know people hate. 142 words Anyone else feel sometimes that they are the least important friend in a group and their absence would make no difference to the others? 629 words If you're a good person even when you don't have to be and it feels nothing good ever comes from it this is for you. 235 words Friends are overrated. Get acquaintances. 164 words someone called me the n-word with a hard r 540 words I'm terribly self-conscious and social situations are literally hell. I'm only 15 and not anti-social so hopefully things will get better but still some help would be much appreciated 311 words is there a point of having friends in adulthood? 146 words I seem to make people angry when I'm just minding my own business and I'm sick of it 179 words How are some people always sending/receiving so many texts, msgs etc? 148 words I'm terrible at socializing, and tonight was a complete eye opener 1,380 words Help being witty 111 words Many people grow out of mental issues after settling down 130 words Crush said ‘no’ when I asked her out. But later admitted she had a crush on me too but couldn’t say ‘yes’ due to her situations. 149 words How to respond to "No." 167 words How can my wife and I get our friends to party/celebrate/have fun holiday cheer with us, and if that's not an option how should we go about meeting new people who enjoy these things? 152 words Anyone else very ‘literal’?