Are extroverts predetermined to outshine ntroverts?

Absolutely, yes. This is a product of millions of years of evolutionary biology. Those who had the greatest influence in the tribe could organize people to create better living conditions. These qualities were and are very sought after now - even though we moved out of caves and live in apartments and houses.

Extraverts are statistically happier people because they often get the jobs, raises, attractive partners, friends/networks and other opportunities. And, they tend to not sit around and think about themselves 24/7/365.

But that doesn't mean introverts are doomed to self-obsession, regret and suicide. We can absolutely live happy and useful lives. We can cultivate DEEP friendships as opposed to "knowing everyone in town."

In terms of influencing, we can influence society in less noisy, but perhaps more subtle ways.

I think that self-acceptance has been a decades-long battle that is now drawing to a conclusion. In prior days, I wanted to be influential and socially inclined. The problem was that if I were ever invited to a... what's it called again when you have a bunch of people over to a house and you laugh? A... parter? Partly?

Anyway, if I did get invited to one of those, I would always make up some excuse why I couldn't come. Then I would sigh about how lonely I was.

/r/socialskills Thread