149 words 8 inch big dicks are severely overrated and guys please don't feel insecure about your size. 193 words hello gamers, can you spare 2 minutes to help me out with grammar? i have speaking and I don't know if this is grammatically correct or if it sounds wrong 197 words can reddit stop being obsessed with girls 237 words Bullying is all fun and games until your name ends up in a suicide note. 1,152 words ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee er ee 234 words Fucking power move 560 words Reposting the bubble wrap because the mods removed it. Enjoy letting the stress go! 144 words Here's a conversation me and my mom had about cornovirus, I just want people to calm the fuck down about this 447 words bow before thy creator, filthy sinner! 131 words No matter race religion or gender we can all agree spotify > apple music 184 words when u get a B- on a super hard test that you studied hours for, get yelled at for the grade, then realize you’ll never be able to please your parents because nothing is enough for them 151 words I hate the whole feminist/anit-feminist dynamic 198 words But that diploma doe 226 words i’m not a good person 203 words Look what I just got 372 words Guys the amount of rickrollers needs to go up. 186 words How is everyone? 504 words 99% of your success is based on your circumstances 303 words I want to bring your attention to some critical issues, pls read this post and share it so more people are made aware about this. 420 words bois gotta talk pls