Here's a conversation me and my mom had about cornovirus, I just want people to calm the fuck down about this

"The Real number I Belive"

This Virus is bigger than you all think and is on a Bible level event, I believe The real number in China is 700,000 dead and 1.2 million effected. Also china may have burned 700,000 bodys, To prove the burning of bodys, look at the Satelight feed over Wuhan and see how the Sulfur in the air has went up, Also check the Wuhan live cameras and see the smoke covering the city, that city had 7 million people and not 1 soul on the street. Dont use google, use duck, duck, go to find other news. All this info came from a china billionaire thats now in the US, but has very rich friend in high places in china. I pray this is not true and may the Our mighty lord and savior, welcome all the dead into heaven with open arms .….."AMEN"

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