New Bigfoot/UFO tattoo

This is a photo I took of the UFO. It was bigger than a cruise as big as a tanker, (I am a Captain). When it came down at 330 am I thought it was a meteor at first, then it looked like a Jet on fire crashing slowly but before it hit ground it slowed down then stopped and shaved the top of the mountain off. I went up after the intense rain it produce was over. I saw a ton of prints, took pics, marveled and left. The UFO stuck around for a few months going in and out of the gorge behind the hilltop, sometimes the electricity in the neighborhood would go off or flicker, other times intense lights came out of the gorge, like lightning but silent multicolored, bright lights,,flourescent greens, pinks, purples, deep blues and gold and orange and bright fuschia. The light would not make shadows, it would get into every crack..You could here voices in your head telling you not to film it but just look. I unfortunately lisytened and didnt video..I got very sick and later got threats after I published the pic. I dont know who threatened but they scared me so I unpublished but now I regret that. Of course hindsight,,I wanted to see my kids again someday so I left that country to come back to USA,,what a wrong choice that was, this place is crazier than the jungle ever could be..I would rather live with the sackscratcher than go grocery shopping..the looks at the cash register are the worst now.

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