Being “competitive” is toxic and shouldn’t be valued by society

Upvote for what I would consider an unpopular opinion.

To me this is tantamount to wanting to stop human progress.

Anecdotally, many of the greatest things I have accomplished in my life which ultimately helped many others in addition to myself, were driven by my own competitive nature. You can see this in pretty much most fields:

  • The money hungry finance professional may be motivated by competition to out earn peers, but without his or her skill in our society, the scale of industry we rely on would be impossible, famine would quickly ensue, and technological advancements would cease to be available to the masses
  • The prestige hungry doctor or lawyer may be motivated by competition to be more prestigious than his or her peers by working on the biggest cases or most complicated procedures, but without their work, justice would go unserved, and the sick would suffer and die unnecessarily
  • The power hungry politician may be motivated by competition to have more power than anyone else, but by doing so, he or she must unite huge numbers of people behind a single cause, thus not only unifying more people, but focusing the human potential on problems that impact large numbers of people

Of course there are bad actors, but in general, competition motivates humans, as it does other animals, to attempt to change their situation for the better, and we have come up with a system, albeit imperfect, that uses that part of human nature to allow competition to help the naturally competitive, but also those around them.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread