128gb flash drive in my right hand and 132mb worth of floppy disks in my left.

CPU's can't be scaled in the same way (and you wouldn't want to). The idea is a GPU is a thing that can do the same thing to a whole fuckload of similar things all in parallel - which when you think about for example deforming a mesh in a game (or moving every vertex to make an animation based on some bones...) you can see how it becomes big clusters of all the same task.

When you program a "shader" - a program that runs on a GPU, it's literally like this: you write what it does for every pixel on the screen or every point on a model.

GPU's have just been limited by what they're capable of manufacturing, it's not even based on need. That's why you always have your huge silly $800 desktop GPU that no game demands, it's basically the best they can do. They use these for like, weather simulations and now image/pattern recognition (for self driving cars) too. There have been GPU's faster & larger than any game needs the entire time being marketed separately for $1-2,000. "Faster" GPU's would be limited by the same constraints CPU's are.

/r/mildlyinteresting Thread Parent Link - i.reddituploads.com