"CHIEF OF POLICE WANTS ME DEAD" Sign in Small Town Kansas [OC]

This is becoming a major culture war issue in Canadian towns -- the cities are annexing unincorporated surroundings/rural areas to expand development with heavily auto-centric design.

It's something Rod Ford and his moron brother seriously got into in Toronto. I hope I am right in assuming similar for Vancouver.

Basically, a lot of Canadian cities started seriously refocusing on human-first instead of car-first design practices, and the conservatives didn't like it. So they annex more conservative parts of the city where people are in communities that are impossible, or at least unreasonable, to scale back car dependence in. Doing so lets them water down progressive/urbanist votes and helps rob the denser parts of the cities of their sovereignty, all in the name of solutions for housing that will not and cannot work.

/r/mildlyinteresting Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com