'13 Reasons Why' is a ridiculous, maddening, overlong example of Peak TV-era television that doesn’t know how to quit when it’s ahead

“13 Reasons Why” is a one-season show. Everything ended there, perfectly. When the first season ended, I did not know care about what happened to the characters afterward, because I did not care about any of them. Even Clay. The show was purposely constructed so that we do not empathize with any of the characters other than Hannah. It focused our attention solely on a singular mystery: what happened to her, and who did it? The first season has done a masterful job of that. It had us completely enthralled by that mystery, that it did not matter that all of those kids were pathetic idiots that we did not care about, because quite frankly, none of them were characters to us. We did not care whether they lived or die. All we cared about was Hannah, and what happened to her, and we observed the many episodes just because of that curiosity. That is how strong its storytelling was. That is what “13 Reasons Why” is.

And that is why the second and third season is not “13 Reasons Why”. It brings back characters, that we so not care about, did some fucked up things, and again, that we are so nonchalant about. We did not care whether they lived or died, so why should we care to watch another season? Whatever they do, whatever pain they go through, whatever may happen to them, I do not care. We already watched the show about someone we cared about.

We only care about Hannah, and what happened to her, and that was the show. So the show ended at season one.

/r/television Thread Link - vulture.com