18 M depressed as all hell [Chat] [Friendship]

Well, probably the intense bullying that began around age 7. Practically the whole grade used me as their bullying outlet. If they weren't joining in they were watching. I was a outcast very early as no one would so much as talk to me because you'd get bullied for doing that. That continued right on to middle school still having me as the personal outlet for anyone in the grade, mocking me and anything I ever did. I'd spend every recess sitting in a corner crying while other kids stood over me continuing the abuse. And that continued till middle school when I really stopped caring about anyone or anything and the bullies started to mature enough they no longer bothered with me. I didn't make any friends till about grade 10 but by grade 11 I realized they weren't very good friends and lost most of them with only 1 current friend. And thats just my school life. My life at home was worse

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