In 1997 talk show host Art Bell received a frantic call from a man who claimed to have worked at Area 51. He spoke about extra dimensional beings (Archons) that had infiltrated the government and military and upcoming world events before the signal was cut off.

My brain immediately thought of the younger dryas impact hypothesis. One interpretation of a pillar at Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, MIGHT reference a global cataclysm that occurred between 12,800 and 11,600 years ago. Having to do with a stream of comet fragments known as the Torrid meteor stream, earth passes through it twice a year (also responsible for the Tunguska explosion in northern Siberia that leveled millions of trees) and the claim is that the constellations depicted on said piller reference when this event happened and may even be a warning to another such cataclysm, and at first it was fun to think about, and then I read an academic study from western university and a couple others, unrelated to the claims of Graham Hancock, their conclusion was over the next few years, (2020-2030) we will be passing through a particularly turbulent and dense portion of this stream of meteors. 2030 being the peak where the Torrid's will be closest and "most visible." Definitely fun to think about, to be clear I don't actually believe any of this to be 100% true but still maybe interesting? Lol

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