I have started “enviyng” those who have religious faith. I am slowly sinking

For example. My wife's grandmother is dying. Not trying to be mean but she was an alcoholic who was quite unkind to her family and all about material possessions. She had zero faith in Catholic woo. But her husband, my wife's grandfather, is a Catholic. So he had a priest come and give her the long good bye or whatever they do...well.. priests have this ability I guess to absolve you of all of your sins right before death so no matter what you go to heaven(unless the priest was lying to all of us, which in the long run everything he said was lies anyway.) But you see what I'm saying....they live in fear of their god so that he can make sure that no matter what they can live easy with it after they die. They live their lives based around fear of the unknown that they pretend to know. It seems like a much worse life than questioning everything and living with out fear of the fake. I'm not sure what I am getting at. Just don't fall for the white guy with a beard in the sky mumbo jumbo. I was forced to church my whole life through catholic school. That place is hell.

/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet Thread