2008 financial crisis: share your story!

I graduated in December 2008 with a MS in Economics. I spent the following months applying for anything and everything, in and out of town. I got a few interviews for jobs where I'd be over qualified, but I didn't care I needed to eat! I had a few tell me they wouldn't hire me because I'd just leave once I had some experience, I couldn't convince them otherwise. The jobs that required experience wouldn't call me back. Eventually I ended up lying on some applications, omitting my education or saying I was still in school, in order to get a call back. I worked part time cleaning hotel rooms and part time retail, added together they didn't total to 40 hours per week. I donated plasma and ate primarily ramen and TV dinners because it was all I could afford. I cried daily, having no idea how things would ever get any better. I was doing everything right, I had internships and great grades, I was networking, I wasn't picky, I just needed a job before the last off my student loans ran out. But nothing. Eventually, I got job from a drinking friend of all people. I busted my ass until I afford meat! I will never forget that desperation.

/r/financialindependence Thread