Windows Game Mode performance preview - the early numbers are not good...

Sources please.

You don't seem to like Windows 10, and it doesn't look like you want to change your opinion anytime soon, so the thing is, being arrogant isn't a good thing.

Sure, maybe people can give you some sources, but if you're not going to change your mind, they're not going to waste their time either.

If Windows 10 has better optimizations, you're potentially missing out on them. Whether or not you think these optimizations help, some people are probably more busy actually benefiting from them than arguing with you.

Think about it, if Windows 10 is better in some workloads, well, you're missing out. I'd rather enjoy the benefits than waste my time convincing you they exist.

You don't like Windows 10? Illuminati confirmed spying telemetry whatever? That's fine, enjoy your echo chamber, Microsoft already has long articles about what the telemetry actually collects, Google those and read them.

Meanwhile, you know what, the people who do have Windows 10 installed, they'll keep enjoying the latest and greatest while you keep arguing.


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