20F4R 20 Questions about you and sex!

1.) 24

2.) Male

3.) Couldn't count...ballpark 250 times, with around 30 different women.

4.) I have a great smile. Never had a problem with lasting long, and when you combine that with my love for seeing girls cum, you get some happy faces :-)

5.) I jerked off in the projector room at the movie theater I was a projectionist at I also had sex on a canon in King's Landing, or at least where they film that in Dubrovnik, Croatia...and I guess I would have to bring up that time in Ibiza when I got all fucked up and decided that banging a girl on a raised platform in the middle of an Armin Van Buuren show of a few thousand people was a good idea

6.) A chinese girl with a dragon tattoo all the way down her back and rainbow hair, a couple nights ago at her place (I live in Malaysia rn)

7.) This girl I work with who is wayyyy too crazy for me to even think about going all in with, but goddamn is she ever tempting. And Sasha Grey, but I have high hopes.

8.) Having a girl tell me that she always wanted to have sex in public, waiting the next week for her birthday, and then making her little "fantasy" come true.

9.) Last O would be this morning with Palmela Handerson. Great way to start a Sunday btw.

10.) Couldn't say for a man, but when I see a good smile on a girl, I can't help but chase after her.

11.) When I was on a 12 hour flight a while ago, I can particularly remember thinking that if I didn't find a way to seduce the stewardess, I'd explode.

12.) Gotta trim the hedge.

13.) It's not a deal breaker by any means, but I'm a fan of the full shave. Or the landing strip. Or a lightning bolt for that matter.

14.) I'm in Asia...so full bush. The jungle is real.

15.) Some serious Dom play would be interesting. Both sides.

16.) Girl: Park by my house. Guy: In a lighthouse jacking off...long story.

17.) Dad came down one time and I pulled the good ol' "flip the table, move things quickly, slam mute, then play it suuuuper cool". He definitely knew.

Caught banging a few times, most notably being when all of her friends came in (5-6 girls, couple dudes), started basically coo'ing and saying "oh i just knew you'd hook up tonight". Meanwhile, I'm still inside her, just kinda chillin, then slowly going back at it. Eventually, they leave, only for me to realize a couple minutes later that two of them stayed on the floor, and this one dude was finger blasting this chick to oblivion while she was butt naked.

Tried to get him out and initiate three way. Eventually just let them go at it, fuck it.

18.) Yes, my buddy in the lighthouse on an island we were camping on. Hilarious. Banging...actually no now that I think about it.

19.) I love it when we almost get caught, it's a huge rush.

20.) Girls: What is it about me that you like the most? Guys: Are we eskimo bros?

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