You have 24 hours to hide before the whole world starts looking for you. If you stay hidden for a week you get $1 billion. Where do you go and how?

I live in south texas and my grandparents have a beautiful huge piece of land and a farm in west virginia out in the middle of nowhere literally on the top of a mountain. Its about a twenty to twenty two hour drive. Starting as late as i can, as late as i can go to the rental place with the rental place staying open, probably nine or ten, I go and rent a single cab pickup truck (cuz my car might break down with that many miles) and grab some snacks and drinks and substaining food from the grocery store (open at least till midnight). I grab my acoustic guitar and some books I've been meaning to read and my switch to kill the time (i wont have wifi). I leave my phone so no one can track me like that however they do. I haul ass across the country. I probably set up some false leads for an hour, probably buy a plane ticket and send a friend somewhere in the country (promising him a small cut of the billion, maybe like two million) without telling him where I was planning to go. Leave around midnightish or oneish, all starting late so i can be sure to be passing through austin real early in the morning so i can hopefully miss most of the traffic. Like i said its about a twenty hour drive making minimal stops, but for a billion dollars ill make even minimaler stops. Only stop to gas up and eat on the road. I can definitely go more than twenty four hours without crapping and maybe without taking a leak and if not ill piss in a bottle. Making, as i said, the bare minimum of stops, driving at least five miles an hour over the speed limit (cops never pull you over on the route we take all the way, my dad goes like ninety five the whole way) i could probably make the trip in about eighteen or nineteen hours. Twenty to twenty two hours have elapsed. At this time it is late at night and my grandparents are asleep. I grab a couple guns, fishing poles, a chainsaw and a generator. My aunt and uncle who live in virginia keep their camper on their property. I hook up and take it, leaving a note to my grandparents saying it was me and id have it back in a week. I drive it out the front of their property (to throw them off, i guess they would be looking for me too) and once i get to the untrackable paved road, go to this well traveled dirt road that leads to a river about a mile and a half down the mountain from anyones house. I take the trailer as far into the forest and as far from the road as the forest will allow me (if i get it stuck or something, so what, I'll buy a frikkin helicopter and pull it out, then set it on fire and buy them ten new campers, its a billion dollars) about a half a mile from the river. I cut down some trees and drag them over to camefloge the trailer and truck as much as I can in case anyone happens to come around there. At this time the week has started. From their i live off what i brought and anything i shoot or catch. I use the generator pretty much just for the stove and oven and whatever else and boil water if for whatever reason i dont have anything else to drink.

/r/AskReddit Thread