25 years in prison for a crime he did not commit

Okay stop right there. I am me and they are they. If you want to do down a real rabbit hole look at the person that runs the r/badchoicesmakegoodstories. They are a writer that AstroTurf's via Mutiple subreddits and usernames to push their books.

As for the title of humanist. I was inspired and blatantly stole that. MY original twitter handle stated that I am a social change instigator. Over the years that felt far too aggressive.

Lastly here is a pro tip if you want to quickly figure out if someone is pandering as someone else use this site not your noggin and you will be more accurate.


I lied. Lastly, I use to post in publicfreakout but I have since moved where I post. I got tired of the ablest attention I would get from racists and having to spend countless hours dismantling, destabilizing and waging asymmetrical postfare on them. That being said things are calming down over there.

In reference to my vocabulary my mother read to me at a very young age and encouraged me to expand my linguistic vernacular.

/r/boringdystopia Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it