32 [F4R] Europe - Could use people to talk to during the day.


I am responding to your r4r post and I would be interested in exchanging messages. I'm a 36 year old Australian guy who claims to be a writer, but this is a grandiose term I use as conversational shorthand for not quite completing my degree in English literature and writing.

I have some ongoing mental health issues, for which I am in therapy, and which also explain my academic difficulties, but I am not writing to you in search of additional therapy--I would like to make a friend with similar interests.

I do not fit the stereotype of the typical Australian. I have no interest in sport, I detest beer, and I possess a vocabulary. These are all crimes here, as is discharging a neuron in a public or private place. Possession and consumption of brioche would also be a crime if it's existence was discovered by the authorities.

I also love comedy. La souris est en dessous de la table. Le chat est sur la chaise. Le singe est sur la branche. I don't know any French but Eddie Izzard helped me work that into this seamlessly.

I watch so much tv I tend to run out of things to watch, so I'm sure we have a few shows in common. I enjoy all sorts of games including tabletop. I am also an athiest, thanks to Christopher Hitchens. After I read 'God is not Great' a number of years ago I found my prior stance of agnosticism a bit wishy washy.

I am straight, but gay friendly. I was very lost in my teenage years and early twenties, and it wasn't until I was recommended to a LGBT medical practice that I found the assistance I needed. I had never felt more welcomed and accepted until I was treated there. My doctor was a gay man who freely shared intimate details of his life, and the transgender receptionist would walk out of the front desk to give me a hug when she saw me. If you are interested in corresponding with me, I would like you to know that I have an investment in fostering an environment where you feel safe and accepted.

I have a terrible habit of writing too much, so I am going to stop myself here. I really hope to hear from you, and wish you all the best.

/r/r4r Thread