$7 million awarded to family of man who killed himself after pain medication denied

You are so right. Hundreds, thousands of women have taken their lives from the debilitating pain of endometriosis. Every time it happens the entire endo support community feels the pain and lose hope. Just because so many doctors are unaware of it... it's very often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed... there's a lot of gaslighting going on. On average it takes 10 - 15 years for most women to get diagnosed and the average number of physicians seen during that time is 10. There are only treatments, no cure. But with endo women carry a tote bag of accompanying diseases such as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Chronic Pelvic Pain, PMS. PMDD, Interstitial Cystitis, dysmenorrhea, adenomyosis and the list goes on. The pain can be none for some women all the way up to 10+ for others. When you're constantly told that you're hysterical, you're imagining the pain (as it's not possible to exist), it's IBS or a UTI. Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Women are taking their lives because the suffering is real! There's little federal funding even though more women have endo than breast cancer.

Suicide is NEVER the answer!! I'm sure that many of us can relate not being able to last yet one more day. It doesn't matter wtf is causing the pain. Living in that world is merely existing... always advocate for yourself! No one knows your body like you do.

/r/ChronicPain Thread Parent Link - drb.com