78 CAM Didavi - market manipulation?

Its quite hard to move the market. I tried with 77 RM Suso, AC Milan. I choose this player because you cannot find him by his name, you have to setup position, team, ovr criteria in order to find him. Like this I limited others people effect on him. I managed to rise its price from 2.4k to 3k. I have bought around 70 players. Basically I bought all players under 2.4k. When no players under 2.4k apeared, I started to buy everything <2.5. I repeated the process. After tax and what not I wasnt left with much money. Profit per player its small compared with the time/money invested. I also came to conclusion its actually a good thing others to find and buy the player you're trying to manipulatate. When others are buying the price goes up. My Suso was hard to find, so price went up only because of me... My experiment was done with a common player, so another downside was people were still selling to the bot for crappy low prices.

I thought I should do the market manipulation with a more expensive player. I tried with 85 ST Jonas from Benfica. I comited 1.5kk for this experiment. Even if every 5 minutes I bought the entire supply, 2-3 players still popped up at the usual price. In the end I couldnt move the price at all and I took a big loss.

I think the bot maybe have a rule against such buying habbits to prevent one player to buy all cards. On the other hand because of the same bot sime TOTW cards are extinct.

/r/FUTMobile Thread