The 80,000-Volt Handcuffs That Let Cops Shock Prisoners - The quiet rise of “Stun-Cuffs” give police officers, prison guards and bailiffs an easy way to electrify people into submission.

As I sat in the jail last night watching the cameras and controlling doors, we had an absolute crazy female in intake scream and trying to harm herself for hours. It never stopped. She was pissing all the other inmates in the intake area creating a huge problem and no one could sleep. She ended up fighting when we placed her in the restraint chair. Which I'm sure many of you would also consider a "torture device" and making "torture" "way too easy" but the fact that she was continously ramming the door with her head was creating quite the safety hazard...for herself.

As I watched and listen to her for hours, it really reiterated how little anyone knows about the goings on in jail and prison. To us, it's work. Drunks, crazies, dangerous parolees day in and out. To reddit...well its one article ever now and then depicting half truths.

Anyways, these cuffs would have done nothing for the likes of her. Unlike a taser which is made for NMI, these bracelets are meant for pain compliance.

But why would we need more pain compliance tools? We have batons, those hurt, he'll those break bones, and nothing says sadist like broken bones...we have OC spray, and as someone who has been both taser and pepper sprayed, is the far more painful of the two. Again, nothing says "sadist" like 30mim-2 hours of unbelievable pain.

We also have tasers...which, like the bracelet, using voltage to gain compliance. Howevrr, given the spread of the probes can cause neuromuscular incompacitation causing people to lock up and fall without control.

These tools already exist.....but this bracelets make it safer for the guards to gain compliance...that apparently is a problem.

Watching her on camera and listening to her for hours really reiterated how most people have no clue just how

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