Abby Wambach says turf field costing USWNT goals

I think you are misunderstanding the point she is making. If you run and jump at something you know is going to have a soft impact, like a mattress, you subconciously know you aren't going to get hurt. If you do it at something hard and stiff, like concrete, you subconciously know theres a good chance its going to be painful as fuck. You hold back a bit, you don't want to or mean to, but you still do. Is she a professional, and should she be able to get over this? Sure, but it's still a valid point. There is no queston turf is significantly less forgiving than grass. It doesn't surprise me a bit that she's holding back a bit, but if she can't get the job done, we should put someone in who can. Yeah, hearing about her complain about it is getting old, but "do what the fuck it takes to score a goal" isn't always just a binary yes or no. Everything in your body screams don't fucking hurt yourself, and time and time again you launch yourself at the hard turf, its going to take a toll, mentally and physically. Think about it in the sense you're at the pool. You jump in the water from ground height. No problem, all fun, smiles etc, you jump in again, same thing. All smiles. Maybe you belly flop once, it hurts a bit but you're okay, you aren't scared cause most of the time you're fine. Now think about there being only 2 feet of water. You jump in, its going to hurt. You jump in again, it hurts again. You jump in again, it hurts again. The 4th time, you're going to instinctually tense up, try and jump lighter, cushion your fall. It's just going to happen. It's your instict. Humans learn from experience, hey this hurts, lets try and mitigate it. Sure, you can "just do what the fuck it takes" and continually hurt yourself, but that is way easier said than done, even for a professional athlete. This is why it's easy to rattle someone with hard fouls. You clobber someone, they aren't going to attempt to tackle you as hard. It's human nature. It's why things like enforcers are a thing in hockey. Nobody wants to get hurt.

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