So I make about $12-$1400 a week doing these gigs and my wife had the audacity to try to shame me and put me down for doing the gigs I just don’t understand I make way more money doing this then working a regular job but maybe it’s not about the money maybe it’s about the titles

Sounds like your wife could have an inferiority complex. She is probably jealous that you are capable of making something work so good for yourself. Maybe she hates her job and gig work is not something she will be good at so the jealousy comes out in the form of shaming you. I’ve dealt with the same thing with my ex. I was doing an online job in college and making good money. My jealous ex always shamed me saying “it’s not a real job”. Well, glad to say I dodged a missile. My wife on the other hand doesn’t care how I make money as long as I’m making money. Just try and talk with each other. Tell her how it hurts your feelings. Make her understand that if you are working your ass off and making money, it’s a JOB. If that doesn’t stop it, you need a change. Not in your career but with your wife.

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