About Carrot.

No I'm saying that I hold both characters to the same standards, rather than holding them to different standards to mask how surface level my like of one and dislike of the other. Which IS the case with Yamato and Carrot. People love Yamato based purely off of shallow surface traits, but hate admitting it so they'll write novellas of headcannon to fill the in the gaps of her backstory. While Carrot, a very "meh" character, has done nothing to earn the ire of the fanbase that she seems to get. But, she's a "Furry" in a setting that makes that distinction more than arbitrary, and thus is hated for it. But people wont admit it so they'll make up a bunch of BS to justify their hatred beyond that surface level.

In short, I hate BS, and this community is FULL of it. They just can't admit that OP is a hell of a fun Dumb PopCorn Flick of a series, that does have its flaws. And instead they're desperate to maintain this illusion of a perfect, flawless series they've invested so much of their time into. Which is why you get all these people claiming to "not care about" Carrot, oversaturating these threads with bile because while they "may not care about" Carrot ... they sure get outraged by people that did critiquing their flawless god Oda's writing. Same goes for critiques of the writing surrounding Yamato. Because again, while I "meh" Carrot, I really don't like the type of character Yamato is on a writing level.

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