I need help

If he is broke and can't have a stable life than he absolutely did YOU a favor. It is not your job to fix or change someone. Love literally is not enough to have a healthy and successfull relationship. I spent the laat year of my marriage completely tortured and devasted trying to keep my relationship together but the pain was the worst thing I have ever gone through. The constant lies, gaslighting, and betrayal.

If someone can't treat someone with dignity and respect then they have to have the decency to let the other person go and work on themselves to become a good person. It is wrong to drag someone for support. Its no ones job to change someone else. Only that person can do it for themselves. They are so young. She deserves better. So yes, I AM thinking of her and whats best for HER. I'm sorry you don't see that. I hope one day you realize you deserved better than that too. Take it FROM ME a women who desperately tried helping a pornsick man who kept lying and lying and eventually ASSAULTED me to live out some sick rape porn fanatasy.... if people do not seek help on their own... they will only damage others along the way. Porn literally destroyed your brain and causes people to act more violently. I'm so grateful that mother protected YOU. I hope you can see that one day.

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