I accidentally hit my cat in the head while trying to fan her away when she wanted my food

I did something like this a few months ago but a lot worse.

We had moved into a new apartment and there was a male cat there, and my Pumpkin was way too excited about this. I'd have to supervise her every minute because she immediately went into heat, and the rest of the time she'd be in the room with us. She was on heat constantly, constantly making noise, miaowing literally every one to three minutes all day and all night.

I'd usually try be loving and whatever, and at the worse I'd take my shoe and hit it on the ground and she'd stop for a little, but this goes on for about a month and a half, I'm sleeping very little and I'm getting angry at her

One day I'm trying to have a nap, and again she starts whining, I grab the spare pillow and I fuckin' swing it at full force onto the ground between me and the cat, she's like two metres away. She manages to dive towards me, mid swing, and get her head caught between the pillow and the floor and I hit her so hard her whole body went stiff and she screamed a noise I've never heard from a cat before, I think she passed out for a little while coz she went completely limp and I just sat there panicking. When she came around she was dizzy and walking funny but she's fine now. Felt like the worst person in the world

/r/confession Thread