Account suspensions: A transparent alternative to shadowbans

Oh come on ChornWork2 - It's not that unfair, in fact, the simplicity of the answer plus the lack of fairness in the ruling make it a pretty flaccid expectation.

And yes, life is full of grand disappointments. I was persuaded by your attractive writing style that you weren't one to make presumptuous and seedless judgements of others.

Your presumption that I am an individual who harbors acute awareness of life's grand disappointments was clearly an attempted aspersion, and made despite being able to explore the history of the redditor you're addressing. Thus multiplying the childish foundations of your prejudices.

It's really quite easy. For instance, I'm intrigued by your work at the small research nuclear reactor, as a person with some research background. We both happen to be advocates of the benefit of GMO production, on what I can only presume to be similar grounds. Also, certain social reactionary tendencies seem to frustrate both of us for the same reasons. Alas, as with any two individuals, there must exist certain things we would disagree on, such as this apologist platform.

As for myself, and my acute awareness of disappointment - a short investigation might have led you learning of my having worked in six different amazing countries. Or, having the wonderful opportunity to fly fish on four continents over the years. Or maybe my being fortunate enough to go on holistic hunting excursions on friends' lands in Spain, and in several other countries as well. You could have noticed that I grew up in an amazingly beautiful place, that I take every opportunity to enjoy. Or, simply, notice that I might just be one of those people who lives life choosing that disappointment is just another mindset you can avoid like any other.

Don't be so prejudiced before you have all the facts, Chorn. This took 5 minutes to do - think what you could do with 6 before making uninformed judgements about another's disappointment in life.

I don't need the troll account or downvotes to keep exploiting the idiotic reactionary tendencies of the overall reddit demographic, my friend.

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