TIL that a 5 year old called 911 after his mother collapsed in her bedroom. The operator hung on the kid saying he was fake calling 911 after 3 hours he called again and another operator said he should not play games and hung up him, Mother of 10 was found dead shortly after.

I remembered when I was about 6 years old when I called 911 out of pure curiosity. I can clearly recall that there was just complete silence after the generic dialing tones. I thought no one answered the phone so I just hung up. About 5-10 minutes later, a cop came knocking on the front door of the apartment I was staying in. As spooked as I was, I hid under a lawn chair and the knocks just got louder and louder as time went by. Then my Mom came out of her bedroom and checked to see who it was. Yep, it was the cops alright.

I was later scolded and I now basically know that if you call 911 and just hang up, you're pretty much gonna get someone coming to you. But note this; I was in a small rural city at that time and called using the home phone, so that may have been the reason why or how the cops were able to track down the call so quickly.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - mlive.com