Action Plan to Take Back the Twitter Conversation Thread

few random thoughts.

track hashtags these accounts are promoting. might be a nice trail to follow back to a real world org who lays claim to originating it. of course there's a lot of "noise" in that kind of data since so many tweets use the same generic hashtags i.e., #notmypresident etc.

or how about identifying the most obvious bot accounts and raising public awareness? get people to rally behind the obvious narrative manipulation and then approach twitter with take-downs. they suspend conservative accounts so why not obvious bot garbage. if i understand twitter correctly (i'm not a user) people can create lists of other users. if a known list of obvious troll accounts gets published/shared then people can automatically block their tweets from appearing on their timeline, correct? this doesn't get rid of troll accounts but it does prevent troll tweets from reaching the audience which then only emboldens trump supporters. mind you this also prevents pro-trump tweets from debating / debunking troll tweets, which (under normal circumstance) is the very nature and benefit of discourse.

of course the most effective but also hypocritical would be to ID all the bots or mass downvote brigade accounts, and then partner with a developer to create a opposing army of bot accounts that would instead like, retweet, and comment favorably on all of Trump's tweets instantly. fight fire with fire.

twitter has always been a data wonderland. lots of cool parsing projects over the years to create all kinds of new apps/ideas. good luck and have fun!

/r/The_Donald Thread