Actually pretty happy with the more toned down less down the road content of the Demo

Reading the comments from Gamescom, I can say that I'm from the part of the community that isn't that happy. The presentation in itself was nice, even if I'm a bit skeptical about the facetracking tech with audio lipsynch.

It's time for CIG to bring the core mechanics in focus. 3.0 took way longer they anticipated (that's an understatement), but now that it's right at the corner (well, we'll probably see a release at the end of october if we're lucky), it's time to focus on cargo, mining and those others crucial parts of the game. The planetary tech and its dependencies will already take long to be fleshed out (empty planets aren't fun).

When you say "they made some effort no to mention anything like release dates", I also feel the opposite. Are they going to wait the end of the year to tell us again that SQ42 isn't for this year? It would be nice to have at least some informations about what is happening with SQ42. I know they don't want to give any estimates (considering the last one is 8 months off) but it's time for CIG to bring solid plan to the table.

/r/starcitizen Thread