“Do You Want to Actually Get Something Done, or Do You Want to Feel Good?”: Obama Urges Activists to Talk Reforming, Not Defunding, the Police

The problem with "reform the police" is it can mean anything. Giving the police more money for "training" is "police reform." Giving them body cameras that they can turn on and off and "lose" the evidence if it makes them look bad is "police reform." Changing department procedure to not allow choke holds but then never actually punishing cops who still use them is "police reform"

I think people should actually research how much of their local budget is spent on police before they have a knee jerk reaction to "defund the police." Also, when the police fuck up and the city pays millions of dollars to victims the police are defunding your city's local budget for other potential programs.

/r/Liberal Thread Link - vanityfair.com