Adorable tug of war between African wild dogs. These pups are part of a vital generation for an endangered species plagued by human activities, disease, and climate change. But they've also had big wins recently.

I have many photos and videos of the species. I have to say that I don't agree with the sentiment of your subreddit. While I love the passion behind it, things like "We have a policy of not posting images of very young puppies (those not showing any tan colours yet) to discourage den disturbances so this one would not be suitable" have no basis in conservation reality. In fact, this is harmful to their conservation.

Camera traps, photos, and videos of these cubs has been vital to in determining their current plight, including the research cited above. I also disagree with your pushing the name away from African wild dogs. I've seen people make this argument for years, but it makes no sense in a practical way.

The species is neither dogs nor wolves, but people coming along trying to "rebrand" them serves only to confuse. Many organizations who support them are built on their most commonly used name of "African Wild Dogs," and you want to punish them based on myths. No one is shooting this species because of their name, and this is something "conservationists" would know if they were on the ground.

In my experience people who worry about the things listed above have little to no practical experience in conservation. Passion is wonderful, but it can often cause a lot more harm than good.

Rather than arguing with people about common names and trying to prevent images that you "believe" do harm (in almost all cases they do not), you should focus more on the real education and awareness. Your "ban" on those photos isn't doing what you believe.

I've treated dozens of these wonderful creatures, and the least harmful thing to them are wildlife photographers and their common name. Climate change, hunting (hunters don't care what you call them), and disease are their issue.

Finally, your passive-aggressive way of telling me I'm sharing harmful content is fucking bullshit. Making that accusation against me is how I know you're an armchair "conservationist." I've done more for this species in a day than you will in your life.

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