The Adult Baby Identity

Read in a significant chunk, have to agree with him. The premise is is almost entirely speculation. Like, mental wounds before infants even have the ability to form memories goes on to cause a sexual fetish. Somehow i doubt newborns make great test subjects. His premise is essentially if you're abdl, youre damaged. Oh you say your not? It just happened before you could remember, believe me youre damaged. But if everyone was damaged why is ABDL relatively rare....DAMAGED!

Im still kind of in awe anyone would promote this here. I find the very premise not only completely baseless but highly offensive to ABDLs as a whole. He even preemptively removed our ability to disagree. Its like logical fallacy: the novel.

Im with him. This garbage fire masquerading as an honest examination of the cause of ABDL tendencies can be firnly put right next to Dylan lewis' head. Ill even put it there for him, gladly.

By the way, many ABDLs will gladly tell you they had a great childhood,.oh but they wouldn't remember the bad parts. Right?

Jesus christ, i dont know if this author holds medical credentials but if he does they need to be suspended immediately. You know actually could damage a fragile person, BEING CONTINUALLY TOLD THEY'RE DAMAGED. Then tell them if they disagree they just dont remember.

Fuck this author. To OP kindly go dump your garbage somewhere else. Littering our sub with trash isn't appropriated.

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