[Advice] Feel like a rapist after sex with my girlfriend. Please help.

Some girls (many in fact) are essentially silent and quiet during sex. Some hardly move at all. Many don't express their feelings about how things feel, unless it is to say that it hurt or they were bored which a guy only learns afterwards. It's not as easy as you think to magically interpret all the mixed signals that guys get into a positive message. Especially if they're used to this happening from past partners. Of course, your partner can tell you afterwards that they enjoyed it, but in the moment it can seem like I'm the only one really enjoying sex and she may as well be doing her laundry list in her head. But then it comes down to understanding the value of your sexual identity. Am I providing as much pleasure as I am receiving? Does my penis offer any benefit to her at all? Should I feel guilty for being on the edge of a monster orgasm the entire time while it looks like she's playing dead - even if later she said it felt great? Should I feel guilty for actually having an orgasm if she can't/won't herself (despite whatever technique I try)? After a while sex becomes very one-sided and I really do feel I'm taking advantage of a girl - even if she later says she enjoyed it! Which brings me back to my main point - guy s almost never hear that they are sexually valued. That their penis is wanted and that it feels good to the girl. That she's looking forward to having sex and not just saying a scripted line she's learned to say. Where's the authentic animal lust from women that men have in spades? Are women the victims of men's sexual lust? If men didn't work hard to get laid, would women be happier to be left alone? Everyone says sluts are to be shamed. I say where are they? I want to meet one.

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