I'm considering becoming a mormon, what are the worst parts of it that the church doesn't tell you?

I would urge you to look in to the science behind ideas like this. Sobriety can be great but ideas of traditional gender roles and sexual repression are really harmful. You can find many personal stories on here of lives these teachings have negatively impacted.

Gender roles specifically leads to discrimination between the genders. You can search for studies but here is an article that may give you a bit of insight and here is an actual studies about females in academia. Just look at how great the Scandanavian countries are where a push for gender equality is far more prominent. Not saying that women cannot be the homemakers, simply that that role should not be forced on them.

And while oversexualization is bad, sexual repression is just as bad. Sex is natural and good. All repression does is associate feelings of guilt, anxiety, shame, and fear with this natural process. While the mormon church teaches about the evils of pornography, the members will still view porn and they will still masturbate. Utah has the highest rate of purchase for online porn. Now, instead of being taught how to approach one's sexuality in a healthy way, these members are taught to hate themselves because of their sexuality. A university in Australia did a study with the conclusion being:

From the motives for and benefits of masturbation it can be concluded that masturbation is mostly considered normal…The examination of the reasons for not masturbating show that the main obstacles are religious or historical prejudices, myths originating from them, and the feeling of guilt as a result. This is reinforced when applying Rojek´s definition of abnormal leisure. Therefore it can overall be concluded that masturbation is a normal form of human behavior, only hindered by social obstacles.

It just seems like if you are willing to join a corrupt religious cult solely due to the community, maybe you should think about if those community's values are as corrupt as the religion which the values are based on.

/r/exmormon Thread