After reading last night's post-episode discussion thread, I cobbled this together for y'all [GIF]

Anyone else think maybe the living should have lost at Winterfell and ended up somehow having the final battle at King's Landing instead and maybe Jaime uses the wildfire to blow up the wight army and the city? This could be Tyrion's idea bringing his intelligence back into play. Many would die in the city maybe even Jaime himself (with Cersei?) making it bittersweet but also with the weakened wight army Arya could have her kill moment better set up rather than teleporting.

Out of all the things they don't drag out its the White Walkers we've barely seen throughout the whole show. Still an awesome episode though to be sure but sad the Night King didn't ever duel Jon sword to sword but him doing the arm thing was pretty cool too.

/r/freefolk Thread Link -