If he got eaten alive, swallowed whole, couldn’t he maybe be vomited up?

Thank you for the context! I know it doesn’t matter per se because even if there were a miraculous recovery possible, it didn’t happen. But like, I kept thinking of implications - if he could have been vomited whole, but wasn’t, wouldn’t that make it an intentional murder? And if so, would it still have sparked everything if he got spewed up and Aemond was like “lol my bad we’re even for the eye thing now byeeeee”

…and, okay, it’s stupid but I’ll admit it: if thinking about the scene, I wanted to stop wondering if he might have been scared and hurting inside of not-Godzilla until either drowning in dragon viscera or being digested. Because that would be really sad. The kid is cute. :(

So I mean I’m glad it at least sounds like he could have died fast.

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