Do you agree with abortions?

The only other reason i hear is that "well you just put them up for adoption and the foster care system is shit" or that "they will be unwanted" so they will have it rough like that somehow warrants not allowing that child to live. If you live a full life your childhood is such a small portion of it. Why should a parent that doesn't even want you be allowed to make a life decision on someone they wish didn't exist. Imagine your worst enemy getting to make that decision and tell me you woulda been okay with the results. Anyone that's heard "i wish you were aborted" by their parents know how hurtful that is to hear. reality is they coulda actually done that and it doesn't feel to good knowing you wouldn't have had a life you've got. Never woulda met the friends you care about or listen to the music you love or hell meet your own mate you may have a kid with one day too and the many many other things you got to enjoy and are thankful for experiencing.

Even if their life starts off shit their next 40 after could be worth living. Thing is only that child could have decided that but they didn't get the chance to even try to live. They had no choice to make. I'm both pro choice and pro life. I don't support taking the babys choices away let alone their life. You made the choice to have sex if you get pregnant then that's on you for making that choice. Just like if i decided to punch some dude in a bar my choice can lead to getting my ass beat and that's on me for making that decision. If you didn't want a baby don't have sex. Rape is such a small % of the reason for abortion that it's not even worth mentioning in the conversation. Not to sound cold hearted it's just that is it's own conversation. The conversation i'm giving is between a man and woman both consenting in the act of baby making.

The reality is that everybody here on the planet were once "just a clump of cells" and everyone here should be thankful they themselves weren't aborted. Frankly i can't understand why anyone thinks it's okay. As i feel it's so obviously immoral. But i guess it ain't that obvious.

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