Do you agree with Senator Kennedy (R-La.) when he claims that we do not know if russia did the DNC hack?

“With regards to our investigation of the DNC hack in 2016, we provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI. As we’ve stated before, we stand by our findings and conclusions that have been fully supported by the US Intelligence community.” Crowdstrikes spokesperson, without any correction from the FBI. What evidence do you have against their claim?

His report was extremely generous to Trump. Clearly, you have not read the Report.

The evidence of collusion abounds in that report. It drips from every page. Since the Report was released, we've learned even more astonishing information... that Parnas was illegally shoveling Russian cash to Trump throughout the campaign. From the Stone trial, we also learned that Trump had a very direct relationship to the GRU: Trump-Stone-WikiLeaks-GRU.

Mueller knew those things because they came from his investigation, yet still gave Trumpers the ludicrous talking point that there was "no collusion".

I'll agree that Mueller was a fumbling rubber stamp. He failed spectacularly, refusing to force Trump Jr. and other key stakeholders to testify, and accepting Trump's obvious written answers at face value despite rampant destruction of evidence. Despite all of that, Mueller chose words that essentially handed Republicans an unearned victory.

So... fumbling, incompetent, rubber stamp government lackey? It appears so. But the characterization of Mueller as a Trump hater? That's a heap of silly bullshit.

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