ah yes, the ass and titty pose

Well kind of, art is the expression of emotions/feelings and/or telling a story sometimes through actions and poses instead of just words. It's a physical object but there's more to it then that. Since anything can be art or made into art of some kind.

(Over)Sexualization and male gaze is when a female character (though this can apply to other character type too) is designed with sex appeal first, Story and setting second if at all. And/or is stylized to draw attention to primary or secondary Sexual Characteristics. Even when the story or work in question isn't erotic. Oftentimes based on stereotypes of what's considered "hot and sexy" at the time and the personal tastes of the content Creator and their target audience. In this case usually heterosexual male.

And scenes that zoom in on or focus on primary or secondary Sexual Characteristics. To give the impression of the viewer (sometimes another character) gazing at that person's body.

The issue with this is how common it's done with female characters outside of erotic content. Something that has only recently began to gradually change. As well as these work being inspired and influenced by current and previous real world expectations, ideals, and stereotypes about gender and sex that, mainly sexist ones.

/r/mendrawingwomen Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it